Today marks T-9 days before I leave. I'm in the single digits of the countdown. A few days ago I looked back at all the emails I had in correspondence with CAM and realized that this has been in the making for over a year (even though God prepared for it before I was ever brought into existence by Him). My first email dates back to March 22, 2010. That's insane! I have been praying about this and preparing for this for so long, and now it is ALMOST here! I have all my shots and vaccinations, have filled out my paperwork, have done all the logistical things I could, and by the beautiful provision of God raised all the money that I need (PRAISE THE LORD!).
Now, it's actually time to go. No more talking, contemplating, or planning. The only thing left is to pack my suitcase, get on that plane next Tuesday, and step out in faith. I have been given such amazing words of encouragement from my parents, other family members, amazing boyfriend, and beautiful friends. I can honestly say that while there is so much I can't really prepare my heart for until I am there, I truly feel that my heart is ready. In the Great Commission, Christ never said "Go and make disciples if you feel called." He simply said "GO". I don't really see much of a choice or suggestion in that. God has given us a CLEAR commandment to go. Not everyone will be called to overseas missions, but all of us have been called. As my pastor, Allen, has put it, "Christian and missionary are and should be synonyms."
Sharing the Gospel is not an option, nor should it be considered a terrible burden on the life of a Christian. The Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, is the greatest love story ever told. And here it is:
God, the sustainer and creator of all things, created the world and all that is in the world. He created man in His image for His glory. Man, namely Adam and Eve, sinned against God, causing separation between God and Man. Because of this separation we can no longer live in harmony with God. However, in His infinite and indescribable grace and mercy, God gave His son, Jesus Christ over to the world. Christ was born of a virgin, Mary, and lived a perfect, sinless life, preaching about God and His love for all mankind. Christ became the atonement for the sins of all people, past, present, and future. He was crucified on the cross and rose from the dead three days later, signifying that He conquered death and atoned for sins. On the part of any man or woman who comes to believe in God, it is only by God's grace that we are saved. When our hearts become softened to this great love story, and we not only believe all of these things, but have a repentant heart and name Jesus Christ as the ruler and Lord of our life, only then are we saved.
Our purpose and lives as believers should be marked by that truth. That Jesus Christ who was fully God and fully man, sacrificed Himself in his infinite love and paid our debt that we could never pay. Our lives as believers should reflect that beautiful and undeserved sacrifice. THAT is why I am going to Guatemala, and THAT is where the purpose of my life begins. I am here to glorify God and proclaim His name. Whether that is in College Station, TX or Guatemala City, I am here for HIM, for Christ and Christ alone.
He is my protector, savior, and Lord over my life. He decided my paths, and He will make them straight. My career path is not my own, my money is not my own, my time is not my own, my life is not my own. It is fully and completely His. If you call yourself a Christian, understand that your life, your time, your money, your ____________ should not be your own.
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