
"Worship is ultimate, not missions. Because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more. It is a temporary neccessity, but worship abides forever."
-John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad

Support Video!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Time is flying by!

WOW!! So another semester has absolutely flown by in the blink of an eye! I still can't believe I am on break for an entire month. I won't know what to do with myself. But the fact that this semester went by so fast has made me realize how fast May 12 will come. I leave in less than 5 months. That seems so long, but I know it will be here before I know it.

God has been revealing so much to me in these past few months in preparing my heart for this. He has exposed sins of pride and selfishness which continually forces me to recall how incredibly dependent I have to be on Him. While my Spanish gets better everyday, I still have a long way to go. (One beautiful praise is that I have never gotten so much joy out of studying in my life.) I have never been in a foreign country for more than 6 days...tonight my Dad also told me the news is reporting that drug cartels from Mexico have moved South into Guate. It is a scary truth that for 10 weeks, my safety will be drastically reduced. All of these things and more scare me, and make me realize how inadequate I am. I am so humbled by the fact that the Lord called me, even in my stubbornness, to be used by Him for an amazing mission in His name. I never saw myself as someone who would be involved in international missions, but ever since I was accepted as a CAM Intern, God has burdened my heart for international missions.

He is teaching me to daily cling to Him and press into the Spirit. It is in times when I find myself starting to rely on my own strengths and talents that God gracefully brings me to my knees and reminds me of who He is, and who I am not.

On an exciting note, several people have given me addresses to send out support packets to, including a few people who I don't even know. The amount of support I have already gotten has been overwhelming. I have also been given the opportunity to show a portion of my video in a church service at my home church in Midland on December 26. I am praying that God will provide both financial sponsors and prayer supporters who can join with me to cover this mission in prayer. In everything I have learned, I know that God is sovereign and His plan is perfect. No matter my fears or reservations, His loving call on me to this specific act of obedience has taught me and will continue to teach me SO much.

I love how amazing He is. I love how He loves. I love who He is and that I have the undeserved privilege to find my identity in Christ.

Thursday, November 4, 2010






Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just thinking...

This will be another short one...

I'm in the process of finishing up the editing for my support video. Each day this trip becomes more real, and each day my fears are made known. My prayer life has grown exceedingly in asking for God's wisdom and peace through this time of preparation. As my Spanish skills progress and May 12 gets closer, the more I have to rely on the strength of the Lord.

My flesh and my spirit are in a constant battle of sin, repentance, and sanctification. Preparing for this mission and relying fully on the Lord is harder than I would have ever thought. I am unsure of my own abilities, but I know if I rely on the Lord, everything will work for His glory!

Then I said, Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth. But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a youth'; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord."
-Jermiah 1:6-8

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Support Video

WOW! It's been forever since I've been on this thing! This entry will be pretty short but I have exciting news!

I have a friend named Matt who is a pretty legit videographer. Yesterday (Saturday) he helped me film a support video to raise money for Guatemala. Something about yesterday just made this much more real to me. Describing what I will be doing when I get to Guatemala and sharing my heart out loud was so amazing. I will be editing the video soon and will hopefully get to send the video back to my home church in Midland as well as circulate it around College Station, and anywhere else that the Lord sends it!

I am so excited for this video, and it just makes me all the more anxious for May 12 to get here! It's gonna be AWESOME! God has already taught me so much both in the application process and in these months of waiting. I can't wait to see how He will work when I'm there, but I know it's going to be so amazing!

Life is crazy, but God's constant grace and guidance pulls me through! WHOOP!

Btw...check out Matt's website (www.whoismatt.com) and youtube channel (www.youtube.com/whoismatt). He is CRAZY talented and uses that to glorify the Lord! Check him out! :D

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I know it's early, but I have exactly 10 months to raise support both financially and spiritually through prayer for my trip! As of right now, I am designing prayer cards, but those won't be sent out until at least February of next year. Right now, I will be fervently praying for financial support. My plan is to do fundraisers around College Station, send out support letters, and hopefully make a support video of some kind to distribute to friends and family!

How to donate:

There are 2 ways to donate directly to my mission through CAM International

1. Writing a check
Tax-deductible gifts by check are a way to send in a one-time gift to support missionaries through CAM
Please write your check out to CAM International with the Intern's Name and Account # in the Memo line.

Account #: 203064

You can send the check to:
CAM International
8625 La Prada Dr
Dallas, TX 75228

2. Credit/Debit Card
A quicker way is to contribute with a credit card directly online. Just visit www.caminternational.org/give and click on the link "Donate Online" and make sure to enter the name of the intern (Lauren Courtney) next to the box marked "Specific Missionary". After that, just follow the instructions online

**Al Donations must be sent in at least 2 weeks prior to the start of my mission (April 28, 2011)

I by no means expect this blog to be the sole way by which I intend to do fundraising, but it seems like a perfect resource to use. Even the smallest amount of money will help, and even if you can't donate, PLEASE pray! I will send out prayer cards to anyone and everyone who wants one, so please comment if you want to be put on the list!

As always, I love you all and I am SO THANKFUL for your continued support.

Wanna see something funny?


(yep that's me)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Where, When, and Why

Where: - Guatemala (about 20 miles away of Guatemala City)
- The Oasis: a safe home for girls who have been taken out of abusive homes

When: May 12, 2011 - July 20, 2011

Why: To serve and glorify the kingdom of God, and to be a disciple in His name.

The Bare Minimums


So hopefully you have watched my video blog at the top of the page (you totally should!), but if not I'll just restate a few things and talk about the main point of this blog!

I am an International Studies major at Texas A&M University. All INTS majors are required to study abroad for atleast one semester or one summer, and my plan has always been to go in the summer of 2011. After a few months of searching and praying, I realized that God was calling me to use that time for missions. A girl from my church, Meredith, told me about a great website www.rightnow.org. RIghtNow was able to show me several different mission oppurtunites and organizations, and helped me through the whole process.

God started pointing me in one specific direction, a summer internship to Guatemala with an organization called CAM International. After about two months of correspondence and the application process, I received word on July 1, 2010 that I had been accepted for my internship! Needless to say, I was ECSTATIC!

This blog is to write about anything and everything that relates to my mission. I won't be blogging very much until the internship starts, but I will definitely blog my way through prayer support and fundraising. The coming months will be a time where I will be preparing my heart and learning as much as I can in preparation for my mission. I'll post a separate blog right after this that just concisely describes the "where, when, and why" of this mission.

I love you all and your continued prayer and support means more than I can even begin to explain!
